How to mount iPhone under Arch Linux system


The compatibility between Linux and iPhone is not good. I want to mount the iPhone first when I want it under Linux. So how do you mount an iPhone under Arch Linux such as Antergos or Manjaro? Let's take a look together.

Mount iPhone
in the Arch Linux

The first step: If you have inserted, unplug your iPhone.

Step 2: Now open the terminal and type the following command to install the necessary packages. It doesn't matter if they have already been installed.

1.sudo pacman -Sy ifuse usbmuxd libplist libimobiledevice

Step 3: After the libraries and programs are installed, reboot the system.


Step 4: Create an iPhone mount directory. I recommend creating an iPhone directory in the home directory.


Step 5: Unlock your phone and insert it. If you ask if you trust the computer, please allow trust.

Step 6: See if the iPhone has been recognized by the machine.


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