Introduction to the syntax and parameters of the Linux system xlsclients command


A so-called client application is an application that runs on this machine and receives data from the server. The most common is the web browser. In fact, most of the programs that can be networked are client programs. In the Linux system, if you want to view these programs, you need to use the xlsclients command. This article will introduce the syntax and parameters of the Linux xlsclients command.

Function Description: Lists the client application display.

Syntax: xlsclients [-al][-display"Display Number"[-m "Maximum Instruction Length"]

Additional Note: Execute the xlsclients command to list a display. The client application information being executed.


-a Lists client application information for all displays.

-display "Monitor Number" Specify the display number of the X Server connection. This number is calculated by “0” and is incremented sequentially.

-l Use a detailed format list.

-m "Maximum Instruction Length" Sets the maximum length of the display command information, and the unit is calculated in characters.


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The above is the syntax and parameters of the Linux system xlsclients command. The xlsclients command can be used to quickly find the client program. The significance of detecting the client program is to find out which programs are using the network.

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