How CentOS installs Monitorix tools


Monitorix is ​​a free system monitoring tool for Linux/UNIX systems. You need to use YUM to install Monitorix under CentOS. The following small series will introduce you to the method of installing Monitorix on CentOS. Interested friends can learn about it. under.


1, is provided at a source mounted CentOS, yum order to facilitate the use of

#vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS -Base.repo

#Add the following section to the end of the file


name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux



gpgkey= /packages/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt


2. Install the software using YUM

yum install rrdtool rrdtool-perl perl-libwww- Perl perl-MailTools perl-MIME-Lite perl-CGI perl-DBI perl-XML-Simple perl-Config-General perl-HTTP-Server-Simple wget

3. Next, use the wget command to download the latest Version of the ‘Monitorix’ package.

For example: # wget

Once you have successfully downloaded it, use the rpm command to install it.

# rpm -ivh monitorix-3.4.0-1.noarch.rpm

Once successfully installed, please check the main configuration file ‘/etc/monitorix.conf’, according to your The system adds some extra settings to enable or disable graphics.

Finally, add the Monitorix service to the system startup item and use the following two commands to open the service.

# chkconfig --level 35 monitorix on

# service monitorix start

Once you have enabled this service, the program will start with ‘/etc/monitorix. Conf& rsquo; configuration set in the file, collecting system information; after a few minutes,

You will start to see the system graphics from the browser in the following location:

http://localhost:8080 /monitorix/

If you have SELinux enabled, the graphics are not visible, you will be in ‘/var/log/messages’ or ‘/var/log/audit/audit.log’ I saw a lot of error messages,

These error messages indicate that access to the RRD database file was denied. To clear this type of error message and the right-hand graphics, you need to disable SELinux.

To turn off SELinux, simply change the line "&forquoing" to "<disabled” in the ‘/etc/selinux/config’ file.


This change temporarily disables SELinux until you reboot the machine. If you want the system to always be turned on in disabled mode, reboot the system.

To monitor multiple Linux hosts at the same time. You need to install “monitorix” on each Linux host and modify the configuration file of one of the Linux hosts: monitorix.conf.

Find and modify the following:


enabled = n //change enable to y

footer_url = y

graphs_per_row = 2

remotehost_list = server 1


1=,/,///Change here For the host IP address to be monitored:


groups = n

remotegroup_list = My Group


0 = server 2, server 3



The above is the introduction of CentOS installation of Monitorix, before installing Monitorix, Need to set up an installation source, then use the wget command and rpm command to download and install.

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