CentOS installs X Window with yum


Install X graphical interface system

yum list List all installable packages. You can use yum grouplist to see which lists may be installed in batches

Install X first Windows

#yum groupinstall 'X Window System' -y

Installing GNOME Desktop Environment #yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop Environment' -y

Installing KDE Desktop Environment#yum groupinstall 'KDE (K Desktop Environment)'

================================= If you get an error Say that there is a lack of rpm, then go to other sources to download

reinstall #rpm -i file

==================== =

Uninstall and uninstall GNOME desktop environment yum groupremove GNOME Desktop Environment 'Uninstall KDE desktop environment yum groupremove 'K Desktop Environment'

Start X graphical interface method 1, startx2, set boot automatically start, Modify /etc/inittab id:3:initdefault: ------> id:5:initdefault:3, init 5

Default desktop environment selection 1. Set GNOME or KDE as the default startup desktop. Environment Method 1: Modify /etc/sysconfig/desktop, as needed Set the parameters after “DESKTOP” to KDE or GNOME. Method 2: Create a file in the current user directory “.xinitrc”, the content of the file is a line startkde or gnome-session. Second, GNOME and KDE switch 1, if you need to switch to GNOME: #switchdesk gnome 2, if you need to switch to KDE: #switchdesk kde 2, if you need to switch to KDE: #startkde

graphical interface and character interface The switch has multiple consoles in LINUX, the first 6 are character interfaces, and the seventh is graphical interface. If you need to switch to the character interface, you can use CTRL + ALT + Fn to achieve, where Fn is any of F1-F6, of course, if you switch between the character interface, there is no need to CTRL, direct ALT Fn < Br>

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