Tutorial to turn off SELinux features in Linux


The SELinux function is an implementation of mandatory access control, which can further enhance the security of the Linux system. However, opening this function will bring a lot of inconvenience to beginners. Most of them turn off this function. Everyone demonstrates how to shut down SELinux.

1, the root user login Linux system, and then enter a command at the prompt sestatus can be seen that the current SELinux function is in an open state.

2, the input prompt vi /etc /sysconfig /selinux command to enter SElinux profile.

3, the SELinux configuration file, SELINUX = enforcing, instead SELINUX = disabled, then save and exit.

4, restart the Linux system.

5, after the user logged in as root, sestatus command input, it can be seen SELinux function has been turned off.

Note: If you want to learn SELinux opening function in blocking state, and do not want SELinux affect the experiment, you can change in the value Permissive profile.

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