Serv-U login welcome parameter setting technique


I have seen such a message when you log in to the server:


220- Serv-UFTP-Serverv2.5fforWinSockready...

220-■ Welcome friends from 202.102.XXX.XXX!

220-■ This software download station has received 385 users since its opening.

220-■ A total of 39 users have logged in in the past 24 hours.

220-■ Currently there are 18 guests in the small station, allowing up to 50 users to log in at the same time!

This is the server welcome message, we can also make such settings in Serv-U.

Select Serv-U, select the menu Setup-Message or press Ctrl+M shortcut key to pop up the window:

You can set the login welcome message or offline farewell information. This information is actually stored in a text file that exists on the hard drive.

We can write:

■ Welcome friends from %IP!

■ This software download station has received %UAll users since its opening.

■ In the past 24 hours, a total of %U24h users have logged in.

■ Currently there are% UNow residents in a small station, up to the allowable% MaxAnonymous users while landing!

The reason why you can dynamically display the number of online users at this time or download statistics is because it uses some parameters built into Serv-U, the specific way is "%" (percent) + parameters, the actual setup is very flexible, the other parameters are as follows:

time: current time

date: current date

Unow: the current number of online

Uall: Starting connections from the FTP server software so far

U24h: Connections in the past 24 hours

MaxUsers: Maximum number of simultaneous connections

MaxAnonymous : Maximum number of anonymous logins

Name: Login name

IP: The host name of the login or IP address

DIR: Current directory

Disk: current hard disk drive

Dfree: free disk space

Fup: number of uploaded files

Fdown: number of downloaded files

Ftot: Total number of files on the top (bottom)

Bup: upload file size

Bdown: download file size

Btot: total transfer file Size

Tconm: Connection time (in minutes)

Tcons: Connection time (in seconds, used with %tconm)

Users: User , about the settings of user access rights.

(For more parameters, please refer to the help file of Serv-U.)

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