What should I do if the Win10 desktop icon disappears?


A user recently opened the Win10 system and found that the desktop icons disappeared. The user said that he was in a hurry. What is going on here? Why is this happening? Is there any way to get back the Win10 desktop icon? Don't worry, the following small series will share two solutions for you.

Win10 desktop icon disappears:

Method 1:

1. Right click on the desktop and select [Show desktop icon] under [View] , put it on the hook.

Method two:

1, a combination of keys on your keyboard to [Ctrl + Alt + Delete], to open the screen as shown below, and then click Task Manager [];

2, in the task Manager interface, select [file] [----] to run a new task;

3, enter [explorer in the run command ], click OK to complete the operation;

4, return to the desktop icons and taskbar to see there does not appear, appeared on behalf of the successful resolution of the problem. If there is still no icon, the taskbar is gone. This situation is generally caused by Windows Explorer crashing. You can solve the problem by restarting the computer.

These are the solutions Win10 desktop icons disappear, if you encounter this error, according to the above steps to get back the desktop icon.

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