What is the Great Wall icon in the lower right corner of the Win10 taskbar?


There are some icons in the lower right corner of Win10. Each icon represents an application running. But many users have found a Win10 taskbar icon they don't know here. This icon is a Great Wall icon. So what is this icon, which program is this icon running?

Win10 Wall icon is what

The icon is an icon in the Microsoft Windows operating system, built-in Windows defender tool, Windows defender can be said is a Microsoft's own antivirus software In the previous Windows7/Windows8 we can also see similar icons in the control panel.

Not this time Microsoft fixed it in the system tray, I believe it is a deep integration of Windows Defender and operating system, and seize the security software market, just like IE.

So the Win10 taskbar in the lower right corner of the taskbar is Microsoft's anti-virus software. If you want to remove this icon, you can close Windows Defender.

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