Win10 can not install solidworks how to do win10 install solidworks tutorial


What can I do if win10 can't install solidworks? Some netizens found that solidworks could not be installed in the win10 system. The following describes the win10 installation solidworks tutorial. Let's get to know it together with Xiaole!

Win10 can not install solidworks how to do?

1, press [] Win R key combination to open run, in the box: regedit Click OK to open the registry;

2, the left expand in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Installer (if not, right-click on the Windows Installer, select [New] - [items], will be named Installer);

3, in right-click the right, select New] [-] [Dword value named "RemappedElevatedProxiesPolicy", double click on the numerical data = 1;

4, in the optical disc mounting point setup.exe , choose to repair and install Solidworks;

5, open Solidworks after installation, make sure there is no problem, change the value of "RemappedElevatedProxiesPolicy" in the registry to 0.

entire contents of which is the win10 install solidworks tutorial, since the method involves modifying the registry, you should back up the registry before the next operation, in order to avoid operational errors can be restored.

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