How to get DMP files when Win7 blue screen

A lot of Windows users will encounter a problem that is the entire blue screen of the computer screen. The computer blue screen, also known as the blue screen of death. It is a screen image that is forcibly displayed to protect computer data files from being destroyed when the Microsoft Windows series operating system cannot recover from a system error. So how do I get the error report DMP file after the Win7 system gets the blue screen of the computer? The DMP file is used to analyze the blue screen failure of the computer. Here's how to get DMP.
1, first blue screen report file is located, C:\\Windows\\Minidup folder, everyone blue screen after booting to the folder to see if there is;
2, if you find no files, then the user may not open &ldquo The event is written to the system log & rdquo; option, open as follows:
3, desktop & ldquo; computer & rdquo; right & mdash; & mdash; attribute & mdash; & mdash; & ldquo; advanced system settings & rdquo; & mdash; & mdash; & ldquo; And fault recovery & rdquo; settings;

4, check the "write events to the system log" option, click OK;

Win7 system blue screen when the DMP file is the specific method is above These, after setting up according to the above operation, when the blue screen occurs again, you can find the .DMP file in the C:\\Windows\\Minidup folder.

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