How to cancel the ban ping command in Win7 system?


1. View host ip

Open “Start”"Accessories" in the program, find “command prompt”open. Enter the command: ipconfig, you can see that the ip of the machine is, the gateway is

2. View the ip

of the system in the virtual machine. Open the terminal in the ubuntu system. Enter the command: ifconfig, note: the ipconfig command under windows system is a letter. You can see that the ip address is:

3. Ping the ip in the virtual machine system in the machine

Enter the command at the command prompt: ping, see The ping has been pinged and the packet is received normally.

4, ping the machine's ip in the virtual machine system

Enter the command in the terminal: ping, waited for a long time and did not ping.

5, ping the gateway in the virtual machine system

Because the ping does not work, see if the gateway can ping通. If the gateway can ping, the problem is that the settings on this machine may prevent others from pinging it. Enter the command at the terminal: ping, and you can see that the gateway can be pinged normally.

6. Modify the firewall settings in this machine (win7)

1). Open the Control Panel and click on the “System and Security” option. Then open “Windows Firewall”.

2). Click to enter “Advanced Settings", select “Inbound Rules”.

3). Find the "File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)" option in the Getting Started Rules.

There are two items that are not enabled. Right click on the two items and select “Enable Rules”.

7. Ping the machine's ip

in the virtual machine system. After the modification is complete, go back to the virtual machine system and enter the command in the terminal: ping, you can see Already pinged normally.

Note: The command to view ip in linux system is ifconfig, and the command to view ip in windows system is ipconfig.

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