Win7 registry lock and unlock method


The Win7 registry is a very useful thing, but what should we do to avoid the registry being modified incorrectly or modified by someone else? Now Xiaobian teaches you how to lock your registry and unlock your own registry.

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1. to the registry lock

Start - "Run -" gpedit.msc

Open Group Policy

Left-level rating expansion

User Configuration--"Administrative Template--"System

There is a

on the right to block access to the registry editing tool

Set to Enabled



Sometimes for computer security, you can disable others from changing registry settings by modifying the registry settings . Open the “Registry Editor” window, expand the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System” sub-item from the left column, and find or create a new DWORD value type name in the right column. For the item of "DisableRegistryTools", change its value to 00000001 or 00000002 to disable the use of the registry (the previous seven 0 can also be omitted)

2. Unlock the registry


Open Group Policy

Left-level hierarchical expansion

User Configuration--"Administrative Template--"System

There is a

on the right to block access to the registry editing tool

Set to disabled



You can use the DOS command. At this time, we can modify the registry by executing “Reg” under DOS. The syntax is: reg import unlock.reg. “unlock.reg” refers to the registry information file with the extension "<;reg”" (Please do not think that the file name must be called "unlock.reg"; this is just an example, as long as the extension is REG is fine). If the .REG file is not in the current folder (for example, the .REG file is in C:\\Windows, but now in C:\\), the path to the .REG file name must be added. For example: reg import C:\\Windows\\unlock.reg, the meaning of this paragraph is to tell “Reg” enter the file named "ldquo;unlock.reg" in C:\\Windows. The .REG file is just a plain text file. There is no special place in the file format, so you can use Windows Notepad to make it. The only trouble is that you must know what registry value you want to modify. Previous123Next page Total 3 pages

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