Win7 system computer WiFi signal is unstable when fast and slow solution


Win7 system computer WiFi signal is unstable when fast and slow solution

The specific method is as follows:

1, using three antenna router: our traditional routers are two Antennas, this kind of antenna is actually quite good when the signal network is not dense in the past, but in the current situation of WiFi in the city, the two antennas are easily affected; it is recommended to use a router with 3 antennas;

2, the router placement is best: Many people always like to hang it on a wall or put it on the wall or computer when placing the router, in fact, these conditions are not conducive to wifi signal The spread of many signals is actually blocked; it is recommended that the router be placed on the ceiling in the middle of the living room at home;

3, you can turn off some electronic devices when you are in a hurry: if you are using WiFi When there is a big urgency, when WiFi has a special card at this time, then you can try to turn off some electronic devices such as microwave ovens, mobile phone calls, Bluetooth transmission, etc. will release a certain frequency. Electromagnetic wave equipment; suggestion: turn off some electronic devices;

4, router or WiFi itself is flawed: sometimes broken network is due to WiFi itself, Xiaobian is often used when using 360 free WiFi For no reason, the network is broken. This is actually caused by the defect of WiFi itself. Suggestions: Restart, update WiFi and transfer the computer to high performance mode;

5, too many connections: sometimes your WiFi network The speed is not good, not because of the signal, and the number of connections is too large, taking up too much network speed, so in this case, you can consider whether to leak the password; suggest: restart the router, change the password, Limit the number of people on the line;

6. Put the two antennas together: This is mainly a tutorial that was learned during the small series of network learning. The specific situation has not been tested, so if everyone appeals the method is useless. If you can, try this method; suggest: put the two antennas together;

7, the phone itself: sometimes the configuration of the phone itself will affect the strength of its own signal, the same In the same signal environment, the speed of the network when different mobile phones use WiFi is different; it is recommended to change the performance of the mobile phone with better configuration or the performance of some mobile phones that can set the performance mode.

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