Detailed information about Win7 system task manager hkcmd.exe process

What is the process of hkcmd.exe?
The hkcmd.exe process is a driver console file integrated with the graphics card on the motherboard, often appearing together with igfxtray.exe, such as the integrated graphics card of the intel865G chip. However, this command is often used by hackers or Trojans and needs attention. Can be disabled, not a virus, but may be replaced by a virus. If the anti-virus software is not reported, you should not worry.
Can the hkcmd.exe process be disabled?
This process can be disabled without affecting the system, but it will cause the hotkey of the display configuration program to fail. Only after re-enabling this process (startup), “ The Enable Shortcuts option will be effective. You can run the program by entering the “hkcmd” command directly in the Run-in box of the Start-Run”
What should I do if hkcmd.exe has an error?
If hkcmd.exe is found to be in error, it may be caused by a malicious program such as a Trojan. It may be that the hkcmd.exe file is infected and then killed when the anti-virus software kills the computer. Can be repaired with some repair software. Or download the hkcmd.exe file directly to the C:WINdowssystem32 directory.

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