Make your windows7 system more perfect 12 settings skills (4)

        Ten, the shutdown is no longer "long-winded"

used Windows7 friends, must have encountered this situation. That is, when the shutdown button is clicked, the system does not close immediately, but sometimes a semi-transparent page pops up, prompting to close X programs and so on. Think about it, this kind of prompt is not too much, why do you want to shut down and ask? So most users reacted like 俺 and clicked the “forced shutdown” button.

actually want Windows7 "shut up" is not trouble, as long as the group policy to edit it. To do this, first click on the Start menu and type "gpedit.msc" in the search box to launch the Group Policy Editor. Locate and expand Computer Configuration→Administrative Templates→System→Shutdown Options, double-click Turn off the automatic termination of applications that block or cancel shutdown, and change to Enabled. In this way, when you encounter an unclosed program, Windows 7 will automatically terminate, and then this embarrassing question will not pop up.

eleven, so that automatically logs VMWare

For convenience, many of my friends will be set to automatically enter the desktop computer. However, after installing VMWare, we will find that Windows 7 can no longer automatically enter the desktop, but will stay in the account selection page and wait for the user to click. In fact, this is due to VMWare adding a "__vmware_user__" user to the installation. However, since this user links many important functions of VMWare, whether it is deleted or disabled will cause VMWare to fail to start. What should I do?

In this case, we can be resolved by editing the registry. To do this, first click on the Start menu, find "Command Prompt" in "All Programs" → "Accessories", then right click and select "Run as Administrator". Enter the command "REGADD" HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserList "/v__vmware_user__/d0/tREG_DWord/f" later. After the commands are finished running, after restarting the system, you will find that Windows 7 can automatically enter the desktop again.

twelve, WMP12 automatically preview

well known WindowsMediaPlayer12 have a very agreeable color feature that can preview the media library to listen to the song. However, one click is still too much trouble. In fact, we can enter WMP12's "Options" window in advance, find "Media Library" and check the "Automatically preview songs when hovering over track titles" checkbox. At this point, the system will automatically start the preview mechanism, and when we hover over the song title, we can immediately listen to the song preview.
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