Win8 Consumer Preview using the skills and experience (3)


Management start screen tile

When the start screen adding management tools, a large number of tiles crowded together look messy, so we need to tidy up . First drag them one by one to the right side of the screen so that they occupy a new area independently. Then click on the magnifying glass icon in the lower right corner of the screen (see the lower right corner of the figure above). At this point, the screen will zoom out all the tiles, right click on the block where the management tool is located, and then click the “named group” button that appears at the bottom of the screen. This block is named "Administrative Tools".

In this interface, you can change the left and right order of the entire group.

After reordering and grouping, the start screen is more orderly. When you have more and more folders or programs fixed to the start screen, you can also Group them together.

In addition to grouping, there will definitely be something you don't want anymore on the start screen. It's also very easy to remove them. Right click on the tile you want to clean and select an action from the menu below. .

You can unpin (retain application), unload (remove the application completely), zoom in (from square to rectangle) or zoom out (as opposed to zoom) from the start screen. magnet.

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