How to use voice to control Windows 8 system shutdown


After the release of the first version of Win8, everyone first reflected that the start menu could not be found, and the shutdown button of Windows
8 could not be found. The amount, because there is no traditional start menu, everyone is not used to Metro's sake. There are many ways to shut down Win8. If 4 methods still can't satisfy you? Try using voice to control Win8 shutdown! Speech Shutdown (voice control Win8 shutdown) As long as you can talk, as long as you have a microphone, you can turn off your mouth! You are still hesitant about such an extremely cool application, try it out!

Speech Shutdown Supported Voice Control:

Command: { “Shutdown”, “Close Computer”, “Close Shutdown", “shut down”, “ Restart ”, “Restart”, “restart”, “reboot”, “Logout”, “log off”, “sleep”, “hibernate”, “sleep”, “sleep”, “lock”, “lock” },Speech Shutdown This application has no interface, only the taskbar tray icon, to achieve speech recognition needs to be resident. Right click on the taskbar tray icon to opt out.

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