5 steps of Windows 2008 Server Core detailed operation


STEP1 establish basic network connection

In Server Core, we also need to establish the basic network configuration of the system by command mode, so that it can play the server. Features, as well as remote management capabilities. These settings include IP address settings, specified DNS configuration, and more.

Setting IP Address

Instruction Format: netsh interface ipv4 set address

“[Network Connection Name]” static [IP Address] [Network Shield] [Pre Set the gate channel]

Example: netsh interface ipv4 set address

“Zone connection 1& quoquo; static

This command refers to Use the netsh command to set the online name to the network of zone 1 and set the IPv4 IP address. Specify the static and set the mask and gateway address. Since the system we use is in Chinese, it is necessary to input Chinese in the online name part to be able to execute the command correctly, and the English version of the interface should pay attention to the difference in letter case. Netsh is also a very early instruction. From the system of Windows
NT 4.0, the network can be set through this command.

Setting DNS Server Address

Format: netsh interface set dnsserver

“[network connection name]” static [IP address]

Example: netsh interface set dnsserver

<quo;regional connection 1& quoquo; static

The DNS server address specified by netsh is, which is the same as the previously mentioned set IP address. The online name here also needs to match the name in the system.

Adding a computer to an AD domain

Format: netdom join [computer name] /domain:[full domain name] /

usero:[local manager Account] /passwordo:[Local Administrator Password] /

userd:[Domain User Account] /passwordd:[Domain User Password]

Example: netdom join Win2K8 /Domain:ithome.com.tw /usero:Administrator

/passwordo:PaSSw0rD123 /userd:ithome2k8 /password:au4a83

This is a command that is only available in Windows Server 2008. Many parameters are input. It should be noted that it is easy to operate errors. For example, the domain user password parameter is passwordd, and the local user's password is passwordo. Be careful not to make a mistake. If it fails after execution, the system will also display prompt data, displaying an error message, such as a local account password error message.

STEP2 Open Port Number for Remote Management

Unlike previous Windows settings, the 2008 firewall and many network functions, the default values ​​are off, and in Server Core, we need Enter instructions to gradually open access to the required features.

Open connection port

Command format: netsh firewall set portopening [communication protocol] [port number]

Example: netsh firewall set portopening TCP 8080

This is done via the netsh command, which allows the TCP protocol to use the port number 8080 through the firewall. You can use this to allow many network services such as remote management.

Setting Remote Desktop Connection

To allow other computers to log in to the Server Core host via Remote Desktop, we need to adjust the registration code and enable the corresponding firewall port number. First, we open the login editor (regedit.exe), find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrectControlSetControlTerminal Server, and change the content of the fDeny TSConnection key to 0.

Next, go back to the command line window and type "netsh firewall set portopening TCP 3389" to open the communication port used by the remote desktop. You can log in to the Server Core host through other networks through the network. Of course, remotely. The Server Core that the desktop sees is still a working environment dominated by the command line window.

Allow MMC Remote Management

If you want to use Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to connect to Server Core, you need to open the corresponding communication port, these ports contain UDP 137 Port and port 138; and TCP port 139 and port 445 and other ports, the port number is opened, you need to use the netsh command to manage the Server Core system with MMC through other fully installed Windows Server 2008.

STEP3 Server Basic Settings

Start with the most basic computer name, user and password modification settings

Change computer name

Instruction format: netsh renamecomputer[old computer name] /newname [new computer name]

Example: netsh renamecomputer OldName /newname NewName

This command is to use the renamecomputer in netsh to host The computer name is changed from OldName to NewName. To query the computer name, use the command: hostname. Replacing the computer name requires a reboot to reapply the changes, so after the order takes effect, the system will ask if we want to restart. If the answer is yes, enter "y" to let the host reboot.

Change User Password

Instruction Format: net user [user name] [password]

Example: net user Administrator PaSSworD123

The function is to change the password of the Administrator to PaSSworD123. Pay attention to whether the user of the instruction has the permission to modify. In addition to using this command, in Server Core, we can also use Ctrl + Alt + Delete to open the system management menu, there is an option to change the user password, you can also modify the user password after entering.

STEP4 Management Driver

Server Core can support hardware plug and play. When the server wants to add hardware, the system will automatically install the driver in the background. If the corresponding file is not found. We need to install it ourselves and load the file into the system folder through the following three instructions.

View installed drivers in the system

Command format: sc query type= driver

This is sorted in descending order of English subtitles, listing all current systems, all Installed driver name and detailed data, this instruction is mainly through the sc command of the management system service, using its query function, and specifying the type as a driver, you can query related information. The sc command is available on Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 systems, but requires administrator privileges to execute.

Installing Hardware Drivers

Instruction Format: pnputil -a -i[driver inf file path and name]

Example: pnputil -a -i D:DriverNICWin2K8nic2k8. Inf

This command copies and installs the nic2k8.inf driver in the specified folder into the system folder. This utility can be used on a variety of Windows Server 2008 platforms.

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