Win7 open C disk Documents and Settings folder prompts no permission solution


A recent user said that Win7 opened the C disk in the Documents and Settings folder, even unable to open, there is a lock on the logo, even the identity of the administrator The user does not let it open, the prompt does not have permission, what should I do? How do I open the Documents and Settings file? The following small series will bring you Win7 open C disk Documents and Settings folder prompts & rdquo; no permission " solution. Let's go and have a look!

The solution is as follows:

1. Right-click on the Documents and Settings folder ------ Properties;

2, select “Security” Tabs;

3, click Advanced;

4, click “Change Permissions>;

5, select Everyone or Administrators----------Click “Edit”;

6, check on the fully controlled "Allow" check---------. This will open the Documents and Settings folder normally.

The above tutorial content is a small series for everyone to bring about the Win7 open C disk Documents and Settings folder prompts & rdquo; no permission " problem method, a simpler solution, next time If you encounter the same problem, please refer to the above solution. Hope can help everyone!

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