How does Win7 system enable/disable wireless router SSID broadcast?


SSID broadcast is a barrier to wireless router security for wireless routers. When you enable SSID broadcast, others search for WiFi within a certain range. You can search for your router name. Conversely, when you turn off the SSID broadcast, others can't search for your wireless, and you can prevent it from happening. The following small series will bring you the method of turning on/off the wireless router SSID broadcast of Win7 system. Let's go and have a look!

Turning SSID Broadcast on and off

Enter the Wireless Router Settings page (enter or in the browser) and have a wireless setting in the left menu bar of the router interface. There is a basic setting below (after clicking the basic settings, there will be a SSID broadcast switch button on the right side of the content, tick open, cancel the check is off).

If the SSID broadcast function is turned off, others will naturally be unable to search for your router's WIFI signal, and you will naturally not be able to search through the normal steps, then you will not be able to search for the router name. How to connect to the wireless router?

Very simple, manually add a way to connect to the router:

1. When you open the WLAN settings of your phone, you can't find your router. Click Advanced, then click Add, manually enter the name of your router, and finally click OK to automatically connect to the network!

2, SSID broadcast name is best set to remember the English name, such as love, so you can manually add wireless WIFI, and do not have to worry about others smashing the net.

The above is the method that Xiaobian brings to everyone about turning on/off the wireless router SSID broadcast under Win7 system. If you don't want to let people have a network, then turn off the wireless router SSID broadcast! Hope can help everyone!

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