Win10 how to set the window eye color? Win10 window eye protection two settings method


In Win10, can no longer be like the Xp & Win7 era, directly change the background color in the display properties for the eye color. Currently, changes can only be made by modifying the registry. The existing method on the Internet is to manually edit the registry changes each time. Here is a simpler, once-and-for-all way to write a program, see Method 2.

Method 1: Edit the registry

1. Right-click the “Windows” button in the lower left corner of the screen and select “Run” from the shortcut menu that pops up:
< Br>

2. In the Open “Run” dialog box, enter the “regeidt” command and <determine”:

3, in the open registry editor In the window, navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\Colors:

4, double-click "Windows", the default value is "255 255 255"::
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5, change its value to “202 234 206”, and click “OK” button to continue:

6, then log out and log back in to the computer . After re-login, you can find that the background color of many windows has become the eye color, such as the background color of running dialog box, notepad, and word editing area:

7, but need to pay attention to , &

Method 2, write the program

1, in fact, there is a simpler method, the following Copy content (only one line) to Notepad:

reg add "HKCU\\Control Panel\\Colors" /v Window /t REG_SZ /d "202 234 206" /f

2, then save as a .bat file. Note that when saving, select “save type"for all files", the extension should be added to “.bat”:

3, double-click the file we saved after saving. After reinstalling win10 in the future, just double-click the file to set the eye color with one button:

4, the program will flash past, and then log off and log in to the computer.

The above is the introduction of two setting methods for win10 window eye protection, but I suggest you use method two, I hope to help everyone!

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