Win10 preview version 11082 file transfer progress problem next version solution


Microsoft launched the last Win10 desktop RS1 preview version of 11082 last year before Christmas 2015. However, this version does not seem to have any new features to join, Microsoft said that it only carried out the underlying code refactoring. But the changes brought about by this are still obvious. Not only is the stability of the system weakened, but even the file copy/moving progress indicator disappears inexplicably, which makes the user feel very worried.

So one of the most relevant issues for Windows 10 Preview users is when this problem is resolved. Now Gabriel Aul, the head of Microsoft Windows Insider, gave a clear answer: the next preview will be fixed.

This is really a good thing for the majority of users, although “you see or not see me, I am there”, but the user is indeed the state of “睁眼瞎”. Now that this problem is about to be solved, I don't know if there are any other improvements in the new version. Is it even possible to have obvious new features to join? The vice president did not say much, so how to arrange Microsoft, we have to look at the actual performance of the new version.

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