Under Win8/8.1, extract the install.wim file through the dism command. Step


Usually we extract the files through third-party tools, such as WinRAR. However, when using the install.wim file in Win8/8.1 system, there will be a file corruption error message. This is because these decompression tools do not support this format. At this time, we can use the dism command to extract the file.

The steps are as follows:

First, check the image version:

The image contains multiple versions, you need to confirm the version you need, my image path is "F: \\win8.1\\sources\\install.wim", execute the following command:

dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:"F:\\win8.1\\sources\\install.wim"

As shown below, version 1 is Win8 Pro version 2 is Windows8 standard version, I am Win8 Pro natural selection 1.

Second, unzip the image:

I have to extract the install.wim file into the c:\\111 folder, execute the command for this:

dism /Mount-wim /wimfile:"F:\\win8.1\\sources\\install.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:c:\\111

After the command is completed, open c:\\111 as shown After the extraction is complete, you can choose to copy the required files.

Third, uninstall the image:

After the file is extracted, you no longer need to uninstall it. Close the image folder before uninstalling, and then execute the command:

dism /Unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\\111 /discard

When the command is completed, c:\\111 will become an empty folder.

Through the above operation, we successfully unzipped the install.wim file. In addition, we can also use the dism command to solve the redundancy update problem of the WinSxS folder.

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