How does Win10 add Notepad to the right-click menu to improve startup efficiency?


Notepad is a commonly used system with tools, and many people regard it as the default editing tool. If you put Notepad in the right-click menu, the startup efficiency will be much higher. How do I do this under Win10?

Add “Notepad”

in the context menu 1.Win + R Open “Run”, enter “regedit”Open registration table.

2Target to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Directory\\background\\shell”.

3. Right click on the shell, select “New – Item", rename it to “Notepad”, under "Booknote", create a new name called command In the child window, double-click the “Default” key in the right window, and the “Edit String” window pops up.

4. Change the value data to the path of the Notepad program C:\\Windows\\System32\ otepad.exe, OK.

5. The “Notepad” option appears in the right-click menu.

Right click "Open with notepad" Open file

1. Win+R opens and enter regedit to open the registry.

2. Find the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/*/shell primary key (if no one is new).

3. Click the primary key of the shell, create a new primary key called notepad, in the right window, change the value of the default item to: open with Notepad.

4. Create a new command primary key under the notepad primary key. In the window on the right, change the value of the default item to: notepad %1 (note that there is a space between the notepad and the % symbol)! Finish!
Or copy the following code to Notepad and save it as a reg file. , import the registry. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/*/shell] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/*/shell/notepad] @="Open with " [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes/*/shell/Notepad/command] @="notepad %1"

Finally, to delete these two options, simply delete the registry subkey where the "command" In addition, there are many ways to open Notepad under Win10. If you are interested, you can take a look at "How to open Win10 Notepad? The five methods of Win10 system to open Notepad".

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