Windows hidden folder or file how to view

xp system unhidden folder method
1. My computer & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; tools & mdash; & mdash; folder options & mdash; & mdash; view & mdash; & mdash; do not display Hidden files and folders
2. If you can't set the display folder, try to open the registry and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advan ced\\Folder\\Hidden\\SHOWALL. Change the double-byte item value CheckedValue of the right window to 1
win7 first method
1, in the Windows Explorer's "Tools" menu, click the "folder option" ”Command; click “View”tab;
2, under “Hide files and folders>, select “Show hidden files and folders" radio button; click “ ”. This method is the easiest. If the above steps are followed and the file does not respond, it may be caused by the EXPLORER.exe virus.
win7 try the second method:
start--run--regedit--HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsoftwaermicrosoftwindowscurrentversionexploreradvancedfolderhidden, there are two primary keys nohidden, showall, the binary key values ​​CheckedValue and DefaultValue under nohidden are set to 2, In showal l, set CheckedValue to 1 and DefaultValue to 2.
If it is still useless, it is to delete the CheckedValue key value under the showall primary key, and create a new one: right click - New - Dword value - named CheckedValue, then modify its key value to 1, so that you can Select “Show all hidden files> and “show system files”.
The above method is basically OK, Xiaobian also introduces a more common method, which is to directly input the path of the file you are looking for, whether it is hidden or not, it can be opened directly.

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