What does 404 not found in WinXP system computer mean?


On the WinXP system computer, when using the browser to open the web page, it will prompt 404 not found, causing the webpage to fail to open, leaving a lot of English letters. What should I do? With such a problem, how should we solve it? Today, Xiaobian will talk to you about the solution to the 404 not found on the WinXP system computer.

steps are as follows:

a, 404 not found What does it mean?

404 not found is a standard HTTP return code. When a user enters a link, IIS (Internet Information Service) on the server will first detect whether the address link entered by the user has corresponding web page information. There is no corresponding webpage information, indicating that the user inputs a string of invalid links. At this time, IIS sends a 404 error code page prompt to the end user through the server, telling the user that the webpage information corresponding to the address link cannot be found. In the Chinese web environment, if the 404 return page is finished and properly optimized, let the user know the input error in the first time, and guide the user to enter the correct link through the optimized 404 page instead of leaving the website immediately, you can say 404 The emergence of not found greatly improves the user experience and uses a more friendly approach to the user.

Second, why is 404 not found?

The first type: the user entered the address link is wrong, resulting in IIS prompt 404 not found.

Second: The page that should have been deleted on the server has been deleted. This situation is mostly sent to the BBS forum. The post N years ago is now searched by your search engine, but in fact the BBS forum In order to ensure the reasonable use of the server resources, the expired or very long information page will be deleted, resulting in 404 not found.

The third type: DNS settings are blocked. As far as the Chinese environment is concerned, there are some banned websites in China that will also see 404 not found. This requires a proxy server to browse normally.

Third, from a professional point of view, there are three reasons:

1, can not access the Web site on the requested port.

2. The Web Service Extension Lockdown Policy blocks this request.

3. The MIME mapping policy blocks this request.

Four, 404 not found solution:

After surfing the Internet, I encountered various connection errors when browsing these sites. This type of error is usually caused by a website failure or your lack of browsing rights. The most common is the 404 NOT FOUND error message. Mainly because IE can't find the web page you requested, it may not exist at all or has been transferred to other places.

1. When the existing webpage content cannot be accessed due to the path change, you can define a 404 error in IIS to point to a dynamic page, and use the 301 permanent redirect in the page to jump to the new address. The server returns a 301 status code.

2. Set 404 to point to a designed html file, and the 404 status code returned by the page. Nowadays, idc providers basically provide the function of 404 setting, and can directly upload file settings. Set the method in IIs: Open IIS Manager --> Click on the properties of the website to set custom 404 --> Click Custom Error Options --> Select 404 Page --> Select and open Edit Properties -- Set to Fill in the URL --" URL “/err404.html”--" Press OK to exit and upload the completed err404.html page to the root directory of the website. Here, in the "message type", you must select "file" or "default", instead of selecting "URL", otherwise it will result in the return of "200" status code.

3.404 points to a dynamic page, such as error.asp, if not set in the page, just return the prompt HTML code, will cause the page to return 200 status code, this is not correct, we can display After the prompts are added, add the statement: Response.Status=“404 Not Found” , so that the page returns the 404 status code.

4. Set 404 error page under Apache. The way to set the 404 error page for Apache Server is very simple. Just add the following content to the .htaccess file. ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.php Edit this section to create a 404 page.

About the WinXP system computer 404 not found solution will be introduced to everyone here. If you encounter a problem with the same problem as above, you can solve it according to the above method. After solving it, you will not have such a problem.

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