XP system how to cancel the driver signature prompt


There are a lot of problems with the driver. For example, in the Windows XP/2003 operating system, when installing the device driver, a dialog box will pop up for drivers that do not conform to the Windows Logo Program standard. Ask if you want to install. This kind of information is there, but users generally think that this is a superfluous thing and want to cancel it. For this, we can turn it off as follows:

1. In Windows XP, click “Start”/“Control Panel”/“Performance and Maintenance” /“System”; In Windows 2003, click “Start”/“Control Panel”/“System”.

2. Click on the “Hardware” tab and click on the “Driver Signature” button.

3. Under “What do you want Windows to do?”, click “Ignore — Install the software without asking for my consent”, then allow all device drivers to be installed on this computer. Programs, regardless of whether they have a digital signature.

4, under "System administrator options", select "Use this action as the system default value application" check box, the selected settings as the default for all users who log in to the computer value.

5. Click the “OK” button. Of course, the above operation requires you to log in to Windows as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Otherwise, "Ignore — install the software without asking for my consent" and <; Apply this operation as the system default value & rdquo; option will not be available .

There are still many problems like this. The solution is of course diverse, but you can still choose a method that is more suitable for you.

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