Using ERUNT to automatically back up the Windows 2000/XP registry


In order to improve the security of the registry, the best practice is to back up in time. Manual backup is very troublesome, we may wish to take advantage of ERUNT, a dedicated registry backup and recovery tool. ERUNT is a free software that can be used without installation. The file size is 578KB and can be downloaded at

After running ERUNT, specify the location and name of the backup registry after the "Backup to" interface (the default is C:\\ERDNT), then select the backup option in "Backup Options", it is recommended to All three items are selected, click the "OK" button to start the backup. It should be noted that this software can only back up the current user's registry file in the system registry. When you need to restore the registry, run ERUNT, select the restored registry item, click the "OK" button, and then restart the computer as prompted.

So how do you let ERUNT automatically back up the registry? Suppose the software is located in the C:\\ERUNT folder, back up the registry file to D:\\zcb, create a new shortcut, enter C:\\ERUNT\\ERUNT.EXE D:\\zcb /noconfirmdelete in the "Type the location of the project", put it Put it in the startup program group, the backup registry operation will be automatically executed every time the system starts!

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