Linux off screen splash screen method


Screen is a window manager that can multiplex a physical terminal between multiple processes. Users can create multiple screen windows in a screen session, just like operating a real window in each screen window. The telnet/SSH connection window is the same. When I first used the screen, the most uncomfortable thing was the splash screen. Below, Xiaobian will introduce you to the Linux off screen splash screen function. (Attachment: Access Linux from windows command line, the best tool is putty + screen combination of these two tools are very good open-source software..)

When moved to the beginning of the line or the end of the line Then try to move the screen and it will flash, which makes people very uncomfortable. The method of turning off the screen screen is actually very simple. You only need to use CTRL-a CTRL-g, that is, type CTRL + a first, then CTRL + g.

If you want to turn off the screen's splash screen function forever, you need to modify the configuration file. You can modify /etc/screenrc in CentOS, and modifying this file will take effect for all users. Easwy generally only modifies its own configuration file. Add the following words to $HOME/.screenrc:

vbell off

This is actually similar to the visualbell function in vi. To turn off the splash screen in vi, use the :set novisualbell command.

The above is the way Linux closes the screen splash screen function. If you don't adapt to the screen's splash screen function, try the above method to turn it off!

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