Linux SVN tool command summary


SVN is a source code version control tool that uses the command line on the server. The following small series will summarize the common SVN commands and unusable commands in Linux, so that you have a detailed understanding of SVN commands. .

Subversion files stored in a central repository, the repository much like an ordinary file server. The difference is that it can record every file and directory modification, so that when the required rollback, the data is restored to the previous version, and the details of the data changes can be viewed.

First, SVN common commands

1, checkout the file to the local directory

svn checkout path (path is the directory on the server)

shorthand: Svn co

2, add a new file to the repository

svn add file

3, submit the changed file to the repository

svn Commit -m “LogMessage” [-N] [--no-unlock] PATH (use –no-unlock switch if hold lock is selected)

Shorthand: svn ci

4, lock /unlock

svn lock -m “LockMessage” [--force] PATH

svn unlock PATH

5, update to a version < Br>

svn update -rm path

shorthand: svn up

6. View file or directory status

1)svn status path (files and subdirectories under the directory) The status of the directory, the normal status is not displayed.)

2)svn status -v path (display file and subdirectory status)

Shorthand: svn st

7. Delete the text

svn delete path -m “delete test fle”

shorthand: svn (del, remove, rm)

8, view the log

svn Log path

9, view file details

svn info path

10, compare differences

svn diff path (modified file and basic version Compare)

svn diff -rm:n path (comparison between version m and version n)

shorthand: svn di

11, between the two versions Merge differences to current file

svn merge -rm:n path

12, SVN help

svn help

svn help ci

Second, SVN is not commonly used commands

13, the list of files and directories under the repository

svn list path Show all files and directories belonging to the repository under the path directory: svn ls< Br>

14. Create a new directory under version control

svn mkdir: Create a new directory under version control.
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