Example of initialization file for rom under ISE


Let's talk about the steps to create ROM and simulate it with Quartus II and ISE respectively:

1, create and emulate ROM with Quartus II

Step1 : Generate a ROM under the Quatus II project

Step2: Write the .mif file as the initialization file for the ROM

Step3: Copy the .mif file to the Modelsim project

Step4: Perform Modelsim simulation

2, create and emulate ROM with ISE

Step1: Generate a ROM under ISE project

Step2: Write .coe file as ROM Initialization File

This step is different from the Quartus II because the ROM initialization file in Quartus II is .mif or .hex. In ISE, the ROM initialization file is a .coe file, so you need to write a .coe file. The format of the .coe file is very simple. The following is the content of a .coe file:

MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_RADIX=16; //The data format indicating the ROM content is hexadecimal MEMORY_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR=

0a, 0b , 0c; //Each data is separated by a comma or a space or a newline character. The last data is followed by a semicolon

Step3: After the instantiation of the ROM with the Core Generator, a .mif file is generated. This is the initialization file that Modelsim needs for ROM emulation. Copy the .mif file to the Modelsim project.

Step4: Performing Modelsim Simulation

Summary: It can be seen that the difference between using ISE to generate ROM and emulating and using Quartus II is mainly that it needs to be written under ISE. The .coe file is used as the initialization file for the ROM, but the .mif file is still needed for the emulation, and the .mif file is generated automatically by the Core Generator when the ROM is generated according to the .coe file.

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