mogileFS Distributed Storage - Installation Notes


Environment is centos

呃, I have taken a lot of detours and thought that I have relied on too many Baohe modules for a long time.

Later found that the installation can be simplified, yum no mogilefs, can be installed by epel.

The first installation method, using epel

# rpm -Uvh http: //

# yum -y install mogilefsd perl-MogileFS-Client perl-MogileFS- Utils

# yum -y install mogstored mogstored-backend-perlbal mogstored-backend-lighttpd mogstored-backend-apache perl-MogileFS-Client perl-MogileFS-Utils

If you can't find the error AIO needs to be supplemented with AIO


#cpan> install IO::AIO


Second reinstallation method, using cpan< Br>

# cpan # cpan> install IO::AIO # cpan> install DBI # cpan> install DBD::mysql # cpan> install MogileFS::Server install Gearman::Client Install Gearman::Server install Sys::Syscall install Perlbal install Net::Netmask install Danga::Socket install Gearman::Client::Async # cpan> install MogileFS::Utils install MogileFS::Client


The third method is the traditional one-by-one package installation method:

This method is more annoying, so I won’t say it, it’s all tears. All cramped


The following is the configuration:

It is quite easy to configure the principle.

First step, initialization Database # mogdbsetup --dbhost= --dbname=mogilefs --dbuser=mogilefs --dbpass=jongin Step 2, create a new tracker configuration file # vim /etc/mogilefsd.conf db_dsn DBI:mysql:mogilefs:127.0. 0.1db_user mogilefsdb_pass jonginconf_port 6001listener_jobs 5

Step 3, start trackers.

# adduser mogile# su mogile# mogilefsd -c /Etc/mogilefsd.conf --daemon

Step 4, initializing storage server data

# mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers=222.191. 251.xx:6001 host add mogilestorage --ip=222.191.251.xx--port=7500 --status=alive check to see if it works: # mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers =222.191.251.xx:6001 host list add device to storage server# mogadm -lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 -trackers=222.191.251.xx:6001 device add mogilestorage 1Check if it works: # mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers=222.191.251.xx:6001 device list

Step 5, create a new Storage configuration file # vim /etc/mogstored.conf< Br>

httplisten= mgmtlisten= docroot=/data/mdata

Create Storage Directory-> mkdir -p /data /mdata/dev1

Step 6, run MogileFS

# mogstored -c /etc/mogstored.conf --daemon

View all your services are up # Ps -ef |  Grep mogilefsd# ps -ef |  Grep mogstored

Part 7, test run

Generate domain# mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers=222.191.251.xx:6001 domain Add add a class to domain# mogadm --lib=/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 --trackers=222.191.251.xx:6001 class add type1

1. Install the php-mogileFS extension reference,

2. Write the test file <?php

$client-> Connect(', 6001, '');

$client->put('' , 'myFile', 'type1');$metadata = $client->get('myFile');print_r($metadata);$content = file_get_contents($metadata['path1']);echo $content;< Br>


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