Common mount command mount


Command Format:

mount [-t vfstype] [-o options] device dir


1.-t vfstype specifies the type of file system, Usually do not have to be specified. Mount will automatically select the correct type. Common types are:

CD or CD image: iso9660

DOS fat16 file system: msdos

Windows 9x fat32 file system: vfat

Windows NT ntfs File System: ntfs

Mount Windows File Network Share: smbfs

UNIX (LINUX) File Network Share: nfs

2.-o options are mainly used to describe devices or files The way to hook up. Common parameters are:

loop: used to attach a file as a hard disk partition on the system

ro: mount the device in read-only mode

rw: read Write mode hook device

iocharset: Specify the character set used to access the file system

3.device The device to be mounted (mount).

4. The mount point of the dir device on the system.

Mounting a CD Image File

In Windows, many people are used to making software and data into a CD image file for use by a virtual CD-ROM drive. Making and using a CD image under Linux is more convenient than a Windows system, without having to borrow any third-party software packages.

1. Make a CD image file from the CD. Insert the CD into the CD drive and execute the following command.

#cp /dev/cdrom/home/sunky/mydisk.iso or

#dd if=/dev/cdromf=/home/sunky/mydisk.iso

Note: Execute any of the above commands to make the CD in the current CD-ROM drive into a CD image file /home/sunky/mydisk.iso

2. Make the file and directory into a CD image file and execute the following command.

#mkisofs -r -J -V mydisk-o /home/sunky/mydisk.iso /home/sunky/mydir

Note: This command will be /home/sunky/mydir directory All the directories and files are made into the CD image file /home/sunky/mydisk.iso, the CD volume is labeled: mydisk

3. The mount of the CD image file (mount)

# Mkdir /mnt/vcdrom

Note: Create a directory for mountpoints

#mount -o loop -t iso9660/home/sunky/mydisk.iso /mnt/vcdrom

Note: You can use /mnt/vcdrom to access all the files in the disk image file mydisk.iso.

Mounting a Mobile Hard Disk

For Linux systems, a USB hard disk is treated as a SCSI device. Before inserting a mobile hard disk, you should first use fdisk–l or more /proc/partitions to check the hard disk and hard disk partition of the system.

[root at pldyrouter /]# fdisk -l

It is clear here that the system has a SCSI hard disk /dev/sda and its four disk partitions /dev/sda1 - - /dev/sda4, /dev/sda5 is the logical partition of partition /dev/sda4. After connecting the mobile hard disk, use fdisk–l or more /proc/partitions to check the hard disk and hard disk partition status of the system

[root at pldyrouter /]# fdisk -l

Everyone should be able to Found a SCSI hard disk /dev/sdc and its two disk partitions /dev/sdc1?, /dev/sdc2, where /dev/sdc5 is the logical partition of the /dev/sdc2 partition. We can mount /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc5 with the following command.

#mkdir -p/mnt/usbhd1

#mkdir -p/mnt/usbhd2

Note: Creating a directory is used as a mount point
< #> -mount ntfs/dev/sdc1 /mnt/usbhd1

#mount -t vfat/dev/sdc5 /mnt/usbhd2

Note: Disk partitioning in ntfs format should be used The -tntfs parameter, the -t vfat parameter should be used for disk partitions in fat32 format. If the Chinese file name is displayed as garbled or not displayed, you can use the following command format.

#mount -t ntfs -oiocharset=cp936 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usbhd1

#mount -t vfat -oiocharset=cp936 /dev/sdc5 /mnt/usbhd2

Linux system using the fdisk partition command and mkfs file system creation command can make the partition of the mobile hard disk into the ext2 and ext3 formats unique to the Linux system. In this way, it is more convenient to use under linux. Use the following command to mount directly.

#mount /dev/sdc1/mnt/usbhd1

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