Mac screenshot shortcuts Daquan

More and more people are starting to use Apple laptops, but Apple notebooks are different from the usual notebooks, so many shortcuts used in the principle notebook can not be used, today Xiaobian will give Everyone offers a screenshot of the Mac shortcuts. Shortcut: 2Shift+Command+3 截 Capture full screen to the desktop. Shift+Command+4 截 Capture some screens to the desktop. Shift+Command+4+Space 截 Capture the window or original to the desktop. Shift+Command+4 then Esc 退出 to exit the screenshot. Shift+Command+Control+3 截 Capture full screen to clipboard. Shift+Command+Control+4 截 Capture part of the screen to the clipboard. Shift+Command+Control+4+Space Captures the window or original to the clipboard. Shift+Command+4 Pull out the marquee and then space  to move the marquee. Shift+Command+4 then Shift  Keep the marquee height (width) and the width (height). Shift+Command+4 then Option  Keep the center of the marquee and modify the radius. Shortcut key function modification: Open “Applications->Utilities->Terminal", enter the following commands to complete different functions: 1. Screen capture without shadow: defaults write disable-shadow -bool true. 2, restore the default: defaults write disable-shadow -bool false. 3. Change the file format: defaults write type "format". The formats that can be selected by format are: png (default), pdf, jpg, jp2 (JPG2000), gif, tif (TIFF), bmp, pict, tga. 4, change the screenshot path: defaults write location "path". Note: The default path is desktop: ~/Desktop. 5, change the file name mode: defaults write name "string".
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