How to operate the alloy equipment 5 phantom pain Metal equipment 5 button function operation Raiders

"Metal Gear 5: Phantom Pain" PC version of the mouse and keyboard button function is? "Metal Gear 5: Phantom Pain" PC version how to operate? Many players don't know much about this, but don't be impatient. The following system is a series of tips and tricks for you to share with you. I hope everyone can enjoy it.
W: Move up A: Move to the left S: Move down D: Move the number key to the right: Switch the left mouse button of the gun: Shoot; Mark the location in the map and telescope status; Close to the enemy left button from behind to hold ( Le live), press the left button again to stun the right mouse button: Raise the gun, aim the mouse wheel: switch the line of sight C when opening the map or telescope C: crouch; long press to squat; hide on the side of the horse when riding: Running; horse running V: switching left shoulder angle and right shoulder angle R: taking items; picking up hostages or corpses; changing bullets E: recycling (can recover all kinds of resources, including enemies being stunned); Kill the enemy Q: Ask the enemy when holding the hostage F: Use the telescope, and raise the gun. Switching the first angle of view and the third angle of view in the aiming state TAB: Opening the map V: The mainstream gameplay of switching the line-of-sight game when opening the map or the telescope is stealth and assassination, so many operations are very common. After the base starts construction, use the E key to recycle the materials, and the enemies who are stunned can also be recovered as coolies. The diamond dog including the trailer is also recycled.
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