Collapsed: mobile phone fast typing tips

See the screenshot below, the friends have wood that has been poked in the center. Today's mobile phone input methods are very powerful and can help us quickly output the content we want. However, while providing “convenience”, it also brings a lot of “尴尬”. At present, the input keyboard we usually use is basically the nine-square grid and the 26-key. The advantage of Jiugongge is that its buttons are bigger, and what Nokia used to be this input method, many users are used to it. The 26 button is more suitable for children's shoes that are accustomed to keyboard operation, and the input accuracy is relatively high. The following honey-small series will bring you some tips for improving the typing efficiency on the 26-key. Try it out. Tip 1: Input settings are in the input settings of the input method, we usually see a lot of auxiliary options. Two of them are called "word association" and "fuzzy sound", we can try to turn them off. This way you don't have to type back and forth when typing. Of course, like "smart correction", "<; whole sentence input", these can be enabled. Tip 2: Using the word breaker key When we input the second word with a/e/i/o/u, which is easy to produce ambiguous words or sentences, we can use the word breaker key to separate them. Such as: xi & rsquo; an (Xi'an), ji & rsquo; e (hunger) and so on. Tip 3: The initial consonant combination spelling When using the 26 key, we will find that when typing a word or a sentence, you can only knock the initials, such as: LQBZ (wrong), WXHN (I like you). If the initial is a roll-to-sound, it can be used with the word breaker. Such as: WWS & rsquo; HJ & rsquo; CF (I go home to eat at night). Tip 4: Use the Enter key skillfully. If we want to input English, we don't need to switch the input method. Directly enter the letter press & ldquo; Enter & rdquo; automatically generate English 喔! Tip 5: Direct punctuation We usually add punctuation when we input a sentence. trouble! On the 26 button, select the punctuation directly after the input, and then return to the car, save a step 喔~ Tip six: upper and lower case, get a few symbols on each button of the mobile phone keyboard, long press, uppercase , lowercase, numbers, punctuation all have ~ convenient! The above is some tips on improving the typing efficiency on the 26 keys. Have you learned it? Practice makes perfect, practice it! This article comes from [System Home]
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