Chinese common English pronunciation correction

                    No matter how difficult it is to learn English, it is not too difficult to say the English interspersed in Chinese. The following ten words have pronunciation traps: 1. Skype
The mistake that this word often hears is [skaɪ-pi]. In fact, on the official website of Skype, it is said, “Skype and Ripe” Harmonize with type. & rdquo; In other words, the pronunciation of Skype should be [skaɪp], sound like "Siegel" & rdquo; instead of "Street". 2, Cancel This word is canceled, please read into [ˋkæ nsl], ending with L, don't confuse with another word cancer, cancer is cancer, often hear people say that I want to cancer, it is not feasible . 3, Confirm Confirm is confirmed, read into [kənˋfɝm], note that the latter is not form. Many people mix confirmation and conform. Conform is another word that means consistent and consistent. 4, Image The meaning of this word is the image, the accent is in front, pronounced [ˋɪmɪdʒ], a is made into [I], a lot of words into "Imei" & rdquo;, wrong. 5, Copy This word is very high in use and is the most common English interspersed in Chinese. American English should be pronounced [ˋkɑpɪ], don't see O and read it as [ˋkɔpɪ]. 6. App is a foreigner who says [æp] instead of a single letter APP. Although the APP is also innocuous, you may not hear what he is saying when listening to the foreigner. 7, YouTube Some people will read "You to be", in fact, Tube's correct reading should be [tjub], tube is the meaning of the tube, in English slang, tube is used as a TV, for example: "Whats on The tube?” is "What is the TV broadcast?" ”. 8, Solar The meaning of the sun, solar energy is solar energy, solar is pronounced [ˋsolɚ], do not see ar read [ˋsolar]. 9, Onion The word Chinese means onion, pronounced [ˈʌnjən], pay attention to the pronunciation of the first o. 10, the word Bikini must be pronounced [bɪˋkinɪ], very strange, many people are pronounced [bɪˋginɪ], perhaps by Chinese transliteration "bikini" boring.

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