Win10 tips for setting taskbar location icons

One easily noticeable change to the Win10 system is the location icon, which appears from time to time in the lower right corner of the taskbar. What does this icon mean? How does the location icon protect our privacy?

This icon is displayed when there is an application to use the current location, so it serves to alert the user to location privacy information. After clicking, you will go directly to Settings & Rarr; Privacy & Rarr; Location, where users can turn location information on or off.

Due to the special nature of this icon, the user cannot hide or display it in the usual way, and the system will automatically control it. In the settings, enter the system → notifications and operations → enable or disable the system icon to see the location icon switch is not available.

Generally speaking, when a user uses an application that involves location information (such as weather, maps, etc.), the icon is displayed in the taskbar notification area. So if you find this icon pop up, there is an application that uses your location information. If this is not your authorized behavior, you need to check which application or applications are using the information and block the behavior in time.
The above is how the Win10 system sets the location icon to protect privacy. With this location icon, we can know in real time whether our location information has been leaked and improve the security of personal privacy.
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