Win10 Mobile Preview 10240 has a hindrance Bug

When we are immersed in the discussion of Windows 10, we are also looking forward to the upcoming mobile version. Recently, Microsoft has been busy pushing the PC version of Win10, the last version of the mobile version of Windows10 Mobile. For Build 10166, it has been a while. While everyone is anxiously waiting for Win10 Mobile Preview 10240 to push, Microsoft WDG Vice President Gabe Aul said on Twitter that there is a blocking bug in the Win10 Mobile 10240 version, we need a new version. Fix it & rdquo;.

Gabe Aul, who has been promoted to vice president of WDG Engineering Systems, responded to user questions in the tweet, suggesting that the new version of Windows 10 Mobile will require more time to release. The company team is currently preparing a new branch version for the mobile version. This requires more preparation. But the version must be higher than the 10240.
In a conversation with a netizen, Gabe Aul said, "No new version is being pushed today, and it will take several days." Win10 Mobile will move to a new branch and will require some upfront preparation. The next push version will also be updated than 10240.

As of now, we still haven't heard much about the subsequent versions of Build 10166. We expect the system to become more stable and re-apply additional features as the main functionality is nearing completion. . And the upcoming new version may add Continuum functionality, and Joe Belfiore recently showed the ability to connect a mouse/keyboard/monitor to a WP phone in a tweet.

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