Win10 10061 version can not load Win32 application from the start menu?

Win10 10061 version can not load Win32 application from the start menu?
WIN10 Build 10061 version has been released, open its start menu, even found that clicking Win32 application did not respond, more depressed, today I take QQ as an example (we all know that QQ is not 64-bit version, only 32-bit The program here provides two ways to solve the problem of not being able to load Win32 applications from the Start menu.
Method 1:
1, enter the QQ installation folder (I used the default installation when installing QQ, so its folder is in C: Program Files (x86) TencentQQ), in the Bin file point QQ Application, right click, select Fixed to “Start” screen.

2, in the Start menu of & ldquo; start & rdquo; QQ icon to click on the screen where you can open the QQ software

Method Two
1, in the Start menu " Open the "Pinyin T" folder in the application" menu, open the “Tencent Software” folder in the folder, and select “Tencent QQ” in the “Tencent Software” folder. Right click. In the right-click menu, select “Run as administrator and ” command.

2, in the pop-up & ldquo; user account management & rdquo; dialog box, select & ldquo; a & rdquo; button, you enter the QQ login interface

method First, you can run 32-bit applications directly at the start screen each time.
Method 2, every time you want to run a 32-bit application, you have to repeat the first and second steps, which is more troublesome.

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