How does the Win10 system modify the taskbar resource manager open location?


The default location of the File Explorer icon on the Win10 taskbar is not “this computer", is "quick access”. This default setting may still not meet the special needs of some users. If you need to open a specific folder, this can be done. Just follow the steps below.

Specific method:

1. Write the following command in Notepad (“X:\\your folder” change to the location you want to customize):< Br>WScript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”).Run “X:\\your folder&

For example:
WScript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”).Run “C :\\XThome”

2, save the file in a more secure location, such as user documentation, after all, this should be saved as a system file, you can save it with the following name (with double quotes in English, below):

& ldquo;% userprofile% \\ launch.vbs & rdquo;

3, after the search field input regedit Cortana press enter to open the registry editor, navigate to :


Note: If there is no command item under opennewwindow, you will need Create a new one.

4, set the command default value, double-click on the right side of the "(default)", fill in the following content:

wscript.exe C:\\Users\\your username\\launch.vbs

For example: wscript.exe C: \\ Users \\ XThome \\ launch.vbs

5, the new string value named DelegateExecute, numerical data do not fill empty.

Now set up, you can try to click on the taskbar icon to open the File Explorer where the new set. It should be noted that some users may already have the third step command folder and the fifth step DelegateExecute, and have values. System blocking is encountered when trying to modify, because the permissions are not enough. To get permission, right click on the command, select “permissions", then click Advanced → change → fill in your current username → check name → determine → double click on other accounts that need permissions to → Check the "Full Control" & rdquo; → all the way & ldquo; OK & rdquo; can complete the privilege assignment (as shown below).

write the name of the current user, the figures are only examples

For users already exist DelegateExecute value, we want to recover By default, you only need to refill the value with the value data {52205fd8-5dfb-447d-801a-d0b52f2e83e1}, and then delete the "default" & rdquo; value data. Users without the above values ​​want to restore the default, just need to clear the "(default) & rdquo; value data.

The default open location of the Taskbar Explorer allows you to customize any folder, even if the folder path exceeds 255 characters.

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