How to close Win10 virus protection? How to turn off virus protection


Win10 system has its own virus protection function, and we will install some anti-virus software and software to protect the computer. Every time the computer is turned on, you will see the “Enable virus protection” prompt window. At the bottom of the window, you will be prompted: Virus protection is turned off, click or click to enable Windows Defender. I feel so annoying to close it. But don't know how to close it? How to turn off Win10 virus protection? Let's take a look at how to turn off virus protection with Xiaobian!

concrete steps:

First, enable Win10 virus protection

1, click on the bottom right of the taskbar Win10 & ldquo; new notifications & rdquo; icon in the pop In the list of notifications, click “Enable virus protection", as shown below.

2, in the open security and maintenance operation interface, click on the security, and then "Windows Defender" virus protection function "open" & rdquo; on it, as shown.

After enabling the Win10 virus fire prevention function, there will be no prompts in the future.

Second, hide Win10 to enable virus protection tips

1, click on the Win10 start menu, and then click to enter "set" & rdquo;, as shown below.

2, then click to enter the "system" settings, as shown.

3, in the system settings interface, click the "Notifications and Actions" option on the left, and then under the notification on the right, will "display Windows prompts", close it, as shown .

After turning off the display of Windows prompt notifications, you will not see the virus protection prompts in the future.

The above is a small series to give you a detailed introduction to Win10 to close the virus protection method; if you feel that every time you turn on the boot is not annoying this feature, you can turn it off, do not know how to close the method is above , you can turn it off as described above.

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