How to recover after Win10 uninstalls the app store?


In the previous article of this site, I have introduced the method of uninstalling the Win10 store application to delete the Win10 built-in application. Some people may think this is a bad idea, but they have already uninstalled the app store. Don't worry about trying to restore the app store is easy. This article will teach you how to recover after uninstalling the Win10 app store.

Win10 application store recovery methods:

First, if the ordinary uninstall, then try to replace a local account to log on;

Second, how will your app store Don't worry after deleting, it will be automatically retrieved after the patch is installed. (If there is no patch available, it is recommended to uninstall the previously installed patch and then check it.)

Third, you can also try Click the command to reinstall.

1. Open the Start menu ——“All apps”—— then find “Windows Powershell(admin)”open;

2. Enter the following command

add-appxpackage -register “C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\Microsoft.WindowsStore_2015.7.22.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\\appxmanifest.xml” -disabledevelopmentmode

3, Enter to perform.

The above is the recovery method after uninstalling the Win10 app store. The uninstall app store uses the Powershell command, so the recovery app store also uses this command.

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