Windows 7 prompts no admin rights

Starting with the Vista system, in order to provide system security, Microsoft began to emphasize the ownership of Windows files, as well as the user rights when the program is running, and limit the tampering of important files of the system. However, this also brings some problems to our normal use. When we want to delete a file on the system, it always prompts no administrator rights, so it cannot be deleted. Similarly, WIndows 7 also has permission issues. When we find that some files can't be modified, we need to get the administrator ownership of this file. After we get it, we can change it if we want to modify it.
Tip: Modify the registry is risky, please be careful.
Method 1: Add the ownership menu for the right-click menu of Windows 7: The specific implementation method is not difficult, save the following content as a text file, and then modify the file extension to .reg, double-click to import the registry. . See the attached
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Administrator Ownership"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT* Shellrunascommand]
@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f "%1" && icacls "%1" /grant administrators:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd. Exe /c takeown /f "%1" && icacls "%1" /grant administrators:F"
@="Administrator Ownership"
" ;NoWorkingDirectory"=""
@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f "%1" && icacls "%1" /grant administrators:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f "%1" && icacls "%1" /grant administrators:F"
@= "Administrator takes ownership"
"NoWorkingDir Ectory"=""
@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f "%1" /r /dy && icacls "%1" /grant administrators :F /t"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f "%1" /r /dy && icacls "%1" /grant administrators:F /t"
Method 2: Enable the system's super administrator administrator. Before enabling it, remind the user to back up the original account personal data. For the activation method, see the attached BAT file. Double-click this file under the system.

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