Forget the password of mysql in win7 Ultimate computer how to do


1. First, let's press the win+R shortcut key on the win7 Ultimate computer keyboard to open the running window of the computer. After that, we input directly in the running window. Services.msc and click Enter.

2. After entering the service window of the win7 Ultimate computer, we find the "MySQL56" in the right window, select it, and "stop" it, so that the MySQL Server service Just stopped.

3. Next, we need to find the installation location of MySQL in the win7 Ultimate computer. After we find it, we will see that there is an ini file in the folder, which is used to record MySQL configuration information file.

4. Let's open the command prompt window in the win7 Ultimate computer, then open the command line window and enter the following command:

C:Userswang>mysqld --defaults-file ="D:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6my-default.ini" --console --skip-grant-tables, after that, we open another command line window, enter the command: mysql -u root -p, press Enter Enter the mysql command line interface.

5. In the final step, we can modify the database of the win7 Ultimate system and update the password.

The commands you need to use are:

mysql->show database;

mysql->use mysql

mysql->update user Set password=PASSWORD(12345) where USER=root;

The 12345 in the last line of commands represents our newly set password. You can modify it yourself.

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