Win7 Pure Edition system how to use the built-in diskpart command to partition the hard disk


First, the Diskpart common commands are:

1. Select: Select the object to be operated, such as a disk or partition, etc.

2. Clean: Clear all partitions on the disk < Br>

3, Active: mark a partition as Aactive, activate the partition to make it a system disk

4, Delete: delete partition

5, Exit: exit Diskpart state

6, Extend: expand the capacity of the partition

7, Help: display help information

8, List: list disk or partition

Use the diskpart command to partition the hard disk

1. Start the computer with the Windows 7 installation CD. When the interface is as shown below, press shift+F10 on the keyboard;

2 Enter Diskpart in the open command prompt window to start the partitioning program;

3, then enter “list disk”, display the disk information, number 0, size 158G, has not been used, if on the computer There are other disks that are also displayed and given different numbers, as shown in the following figure;

4, then enter "Select Disk 0 & rdquo;, select the disk number 0, then enter "clear", clear all the partitions on the disk;

5, create the primary partition and extended partition: < Br>

(1) Enter “Create partition paimary Size-40960& rdquo;, create the primary partition 40GB;

(2) enter "Active", activate the primary partition;

( 3) Enter “Format quick” to quickly format the primary partition;

(4) Enter “Create partition EXtended” to divide into extended partitions;

(5) Enter ““ Create partition logical Size-80000& rdquo;, create a logical partition 78;

(6) input "Format quick", quickly format the logical partition;

6, create a second logical partition: < Br>

(1) Enter “Create partition logic”, divide the remaining space of the disk into the second logical partition;

(2) input "Format quick", quickly format the second logic Partition;

(3) Enter “Exit”, exit “DistPart”;

(4) Enter “Exit”, exit the command prompt;

7, want to create a logical partition, you can refer to the previous step to create, and then exit the command command prompt will return Go to the Windows 7 installation interface and continue to “Next”, where you can see the results you just made.

8, and then use the DiskPart command to partition the hard disk, this is done.

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