How to extend the hard disk life of Win7 system?


The computer hard drive stores all the data and plays a very important role. However, many things will inevitably encounter some failures. For example, if the computer hard disk fails, many file data may be lost or damaged, causing unnecessary losses. Therefore, extending the hard disk life of Win7 system is a problem that every user needs to pay attention to. How to extend the hard disk life of Win7 system? The following small series for everyone to introduce the operation method of extending the life of the Win7 system hard drive!

as follows:

a, time to get hard to use longer, less must be used for a class of software such as P2P (the Bitcomet, Bitspirit, & mu; Torrent, eMule, PPLive, PPStream, QQ Live, TOM-Skype, Thunder, POCO, KuGoo, PP, etc., don't format the hard disk often, the damage to the hard disk is very big.

Second, there is another way to protect the hard disk is very good, this is to set the download folder as a virtual hard disk.

1, first open the browser, then click on the task bar at the top of the Tools -Internet Options;

2, then pop up in the Internet Options window, switch interface this column to routine, and then click the settings button at the bottom of the browser history;

3, the last in the pop-up window, you can set up, click on the window of & ldquo; move folder “ button, then set the path to the virtual hard disk path we reserved.

Win7 system hard to extend the life of the tips shared here, and set up is simple, after a simple setup, hard disk life can become very long.


1. Read and write power off

The current hard disk speed is 7200 rpm. When reading and writing, the whole disk is in high-speed rotation. If the power is suddenly turned off, the magnetic head and the disk will be violently rubbed, resulting in bad sectors or even damage to the hard disk. Therefore, when shutting down, be sure to pay attention to whether the hard disk indicator on the chassis panel is not flashing, that is, the hard disk has been read and written, and then the computer can be shut down according to the normal procedure.

2, to prevent vibration

Hard disk is a very sophisticated storage device, when reading and writing, the flying height of the head on the surface of the disk is only a few microns; even if it is not working At the same time, the magnetic head is in contact with the disc. When the hard disk is working, once a large vibration occurs, it is easy to cause the magnetic head to collide with the data area, resulting in damage to the data area of ​​the disc or scratching the disk, and losing the file data stored in the hard disk. Therefore, do not move the computer or move the hard disk before the spindle motor has been stopped at work or after shutting down, so as not to cause the head and the disk to collide and scratch the magnetic layer on the surface of the disk.

In addition, care should be taken during the installation and removal of the hard disk to prevent excessive shaking or severe collision with the chassis iron plate.

3, away from the magnetic field

Magnetic field is the invisible killer of the hard drive data, so try to make the hard disk not * near strong magnetic field, such as speakers, mobile phones, radio, etc., so as not to be in the hard disk The recorded data was destroyed by magnetization.

4, reduce frequent **

If you run a program for a long time (such as large software or play games), you should pay attention to it, so that the head will read and write frequently for a long time. A hard disk location (the sector in which the program is located) causes the hard disk to create bad sectors.

In addition, if you use a system for a long time, the hard disk sector (non-removable) where the system files are located will be in the long-term read state, thus speeding up the damage of the sector. Of course, it is best to install two or more systems for alternate use to avoid long-term read and write operations on a sector of the hard disk.

5, proper use time

In a day, it is best not to let the hard disk work more than 10 hours, and do not work continuously for more than 8 hours, should be used after a period of time Turn off the computer and let the hard drive have enough rest time.

6. Regularly defragmenting

When the hard disk is working, it will be frequently read and written. At the same time, the addition and deletion of programs will also generate a large amount of non-contiguous disk space and disk fragmentation. When the number of non-contiguous disk space and disk fragmentation increases, it will affect the read performance of the hard disk. If the data is added or deleted frequently or frequently, the disk defragmentation tool that comes with the Windows system should be run at regular intervals (such as one month) to reorganize the disk fragmentation and discontinuous space. The performance of the hard disk is optimized.

7, increase memory and good power

If you often use some software that requires a lot of memory (such as image processing, model design, etc.), you should increase the memory to reduce a large number of files. Read and write on the hard disk during the exchange to extend the life of the hard disk.

The above is the operation method of Xiaobian for everyone's Win7 system hard disk life, but do not know how to extend the life of Win7 system hard disk users, may wish to try the above steps to try.

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