What is the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service in Win7? Can it be closed?


There are many services and processes in the Win7 system, and even many of them are not named, and I don't know much about the role of these services. However, many Win7 users often turn off services in some systems in order to optimize the system and increase the boot speed. So, what is the service of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in Win7? Can it be closed?

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service which is one of the core system, not close. The RPCSS service is the service control manager for COM and DCOM servers. It performs object activation requests for COM and DCOM servers, object exporter parsing, and distributed garbage collection. Programs that use COM or DCOM will not work if this service is disabled or disabled. Off, many functions of the system can not be used normally.

WINDOWS does not require remote services only when browsing and downloading chats on the Internet. Many local functions are also done indirectly through network services. Remote is not to say that remote calls between two machines. The interaction of memory data between two processes can also be called Remote.

Through the above introduction, we learned that Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is one of the core services of the system that cannot be turned off. When it is turned off, many functions of the system cannot be used normally.

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