Win7 uninstall IE browser method


Win7 system has its own IE browser, some Win7 users are accustomed to using non-IE kernel browser, want to uninstall IE browser, but do not know how to uninstall IE browser Win7, the following small series for everyone Share the method of uninstalling IE browser under Win7.

Operation steps:

1. Click on the start menu, enter “cmd” in the search bar, and then right click on "CMD.EXE" in the searched program. select & ldquo; run as administrator. & rdquo ;;

2, copy these words will be the following into the command prompt:

FORFILES /P% WINDIR% \\ servicing \\ Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*9.*.mum /c “cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart”

( Modify according to our version, if IE9 is InternetExplorer-*9.*, if it is IE10, it will be changed to InternetExplorer-*10.*, and so on)

After copying in, then press Enter, wait The system will uninstall it, and a message will pop up in the middle. Click OK to confirm all.

These are the methods to uninstall Win7 ie browser, when you encounter the situation can not be uninstalled ie browser, in accordance with the above operation.

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