Check out the shortcuts for quickly opening windows programs.


Many times, shortcuts bring us more than just speed, but also give us a sense of spiritual satisfaction. Imagine that others are using the mouse in a normal way, slowly picking up the required program step by step, but you can complete it directly through a shortcut key. Does it feel particularly good? I will open it for everyone today. Windows program's common shortcut commands, windows system advocates friends have to quickly go to the collection.

Note: "Run" in the start menu is a shortcut to the program, enter a specific command After that, you can quickly open most of Windows' programs.

Winver checks Windows version

wmimgmt.msc Opens Windows Management Architecture (wmi)

wupdmgr Windows Updater

wscript Windows Script Host Settings


winmsd system information

wiaacmgr scanner and camera wizard

winchat xp comes with LAN chat

mem.exe display Memory usage msconfig.exe system configuration utility

mplayer2 simple widnows media player

mspaint drawing board

mstsc remote desktop connection

mplayer2 media player

magnify magnifier utility

mmc open console

mobsync sync command

dxdiag check directx information

drwtsn32 system doctor

devmgmt.msc Device Manager dfrg.msc Disk Defragmenter diskmgmt.msc Disk Management Utility

dcomcnfgOpen System Component Service

ddeshare Open dde Sharing Settings

dvdplay dvd player

Net stop messenger stop messenger service

net start messenger start messenger service

notepad open notepad

nslookup network management tool wizard

ntbackup system backup and Restore

narrator screen& narquo; narrator & rdquo;

ntmsmgr.msc mobile storage manager ntmsoprq.msc mobile storage administrator operation request

netstat -an(tc) command Check Interface

syncapp creates a briefcase

sysedit system configuration editor

sigverif file signature verification program

sndrec32 recorder

shrpubw Create a shared folder

secpol.msc Local security policy syskey system encryption, once encrypted can not be unlocked, protect the dual password services.msc local service settings of Windows XP system

sndvol32 volume control program

sfc.exe System File Checker Previous1234Next Page Total 4 Pages

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